Japanese Maple

Japanese Maple - Acer Palmatum

Japanese Maple are made up of 100’s of varieties and are readily found at local nurseries.  An extremely attractive tree that exhibits a range of foliar colors throughout the growing season – it is a very popular garden companion.

As bonsai, it is easy to grown and relatively difficult to kill.  It responds well to heavy pruning and can be styled into various bonsai ‘forms’.   With a high propensity to produce new buds it is very easy to rectify poor branch position or defective growth.

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Position Pruning / Repot Feeding / Water My Notes
I have had my maples in most areas of the garden without issue. A good mixture of shade and sun seems to work best. In winter, protect against frosts below -10°C.
Repot as required before buds break in Spring. Pruning: Generally established trees requires pinching throughout the growing season and cutting baack to 1 or 2 leaf pairs. Where long internodes exist cut back to earlier growth. The produce back buds easily. Defoliation can be carried out in mid-summer if the tree is healthy once every couple of years. Hard-pruning should be done after leaf-fall (preferably within 2 weeks) or during the mid-summer semi-dormant period (if needed).
Watering: They love to have a drink - especially when it gets hot. Feeding: It depends on what you need to achieve but I use solid organic lumps every 4-6 weeks throughout the growing season.
Wiring should be carried out on bare branches before bud extension in Spring, after leaf-cutting in mid-summer or after leaf-fall in autumn. The bark marks easily so be prepared to remove it after rapid growth. Avoid wiring in winter. Propagation: Air layers should be carried out in May. Cuttings 'appear' to take well but I lose at least 90% and they can take 2 or 3 seasons to start growing well.

Creating a Japanese Maple Bonsai Group

Time to create another Bonsai group planting. Join me as I have a little fun with my remaining Japanese Maples and a couple of chunky rocks.

Essential Work for Japanese Maple Bonsai in Autumn

Today I will carry out the Essential Autumnal pruning on both my ‘Cobra’ and Mame Japanese Maple Bonsai. As well as some Deadwood Preservation and Winter Wash…
