
Some of the Projects in the Bonsai Nursery:

My intention is to use this page for some of my ‘longer term’ Bonsai Development Projects.  With over 700 trees it may take me a little bit of time to update this section properly.

To overcome this issue I have included a ‘Latest Project‘ blog feed which will allow you to see the most recent updates to any of these Bonsai.

If you wish to get updates on any of my Pre-Bonsai then please let me know.

  Latest Project Updates

Over the course of my hobby I have worked hard to develop different bonsai techniques.  These have been applied with a variety of successes and often I have kept a pictorial record.  It is my intention to continue this approach and allow others to view how my ‘ongoing projects’ are developing.   I do not profess to be an expert and it is my hope that people new to the hobby will take inspiration at my efforts and have a go themselves.

A lot of my bonsai have started off as discarded and dying nursery stock.  Though there is no guarantee of success you can at least be confidant that any unplanned deaths will not break the bank.  To this end I encourage you to take advantage of your local nursery (or mine) to pick up some good value ‘pre-bonsai’ stock.

You will see a number of methods utilised in these portfolio’s including: Air Layers, Yamadori (dug from the wild) and trunk chops.  With each picture will be bullet point notes detailing when and what was done.  There will also be comments on what my future intentions for the tree were / are now.

I hope you enjoy this as much as I have AND I really hope it encourages you to ‘dig right in’.  The more trees you have to play with, the quicker you learn 🙂

(This section is under construction so there is still a lot of stuff to be uploaded – so keep an eye out)
