Species Advice

Learn about the nuances of bonsai and shape your own learning experience.

The art of growing bonsai is not a skill you pick up overnight.  It has taken me decades of trial and error…mostly error!  Armed with a couple of second hand bonsai books I felt certain the secrets were mine to be discovered.  But after two of the three books disagreed about the right time to prune a maple – I despaired.

With the advent of social media sites such as You Tube, Vimeo and Facebook, I soon realised there was a huge sea of resources and experiences free to be absorbed and utilised.  However, the internet is also awash with many good and ‘not so good’ bonsai websites – leaving you unsure what is right / wrong. 

Over the years I have managed to narrow down my sources to a few ‘tried and tested’ enthusiasts / professionals.  Let me share these with you as I discuss different bonsai species utilising guides, video blogs and personal experience.  I will also impart the latest tips and advice that I continue to develop through my online membership of Mirai Live. (I am not affiliated in any way to this product – but ‘I believe’ the weekly videos are well worth the subscription)

The information  I provide will be ‘tried and tested’ and relevant to the bonsai trees I have worked on.  It is not my intention to expand the knowledge base beyond that which I have direct experience of.  To this end, I will reference all of my external links and sources to enable you to continue your learning experience.  These external sites have extensive species guides and it seems inappropriate to just reproduce them ‘on block’.

Happy digging – it is a fun bonsai universe in the World Wide Web…

My Bonsai Guides & Tips (More to come)

Latest Species News from The Bonsai Retreat